I Corinthians 3:6

"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow." (I Cor. 3:6)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Preparing the soil . . .

Our story, from the beginning, has clearly been orchestrated by the Master Gardener.  God had been preparing the soil long before we ever knew what He was doing . . .

At the beginning of 2010, Cher spent three months in Costa Rica attending language school and doing medical missions work.  When she returned, she shared with several of the house churches in our community about her trip.  Cher returned to the U.S. with some items that her host mami, Samia, had sewn.  I (Janine) bought a dress for one of my nieces and as I was noticing the details on the way home, I casually said to my husband, "I would love to get some of Sami's work up here and sell it for her.  It's amazing!"  My husband replied, "You need to get in touch with Cher."  So I did!

We had breakfast later that week.  I confessed that I have no business knowledge whatsoever, but I love the idea of families supporting themselves by using their creative talents and abilities.  During the next couple of hours, the soil turned, the ideas flowed, and the Gardener's work was becoming evident . . .

We decided that Cher, my daughter Ley, and I would make a trip to Costa Rica to meet Sami, experience the culture, and try to discern how we could partner with some of the people there.  Cher spoke with someone at the language school and found out that the trip to Chirripó (where they do medical missions trips to the indigenous people there) would take place at the end of July.  After much prayer and confirmation (including Cher being able to take off from her brand-new job!) that this trip should happen for sure during this time, we decided to begin praying about a fourth person going with us (who would also be able to accompany Cher to Chirripó) . . . two days later, we had our fourth person, also a nurse!  She "just so happened" to have off work already for a wedding and other trip that ending up getting canceled!

So here, we are, dreaming, watering, getting our needed sunshine, waiting for the flowers that will bloom from this garden. 

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